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2022 European PhD Award on Systems and Control

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2022 European PhD Award on Systems and Control

The European PhD Award is given annually in recognition of the best PhD thesis
in Europe, in the field of Systems and Control, and it is sponsored by EECI 

The aim is to encourage high-quality works among young researchers in
their initial research period.
Since 2018, the awardee(s) of this Award are invited to contribute (vision,
review or research tutorial type paper) to Annual Review in Control, in a
new category of papers of this IFAC Journal, dedicated to Young Research

As every year, we would like to solicit the participation of young
researchers that have recently obtained their PhD degree to the selection
To be eligible for the award, the thesis must be in English and have been
defended in a European University between 15/07/2021 and 14/07/2022.
The main scientific contributions have to be related with analysis of
involved dynamical systems, development of the control and estimation theory,
or their applications to cutting-edge real-world problems. The selection is
based on a peer-reviewing process with the Scientific Committee approval.

The prize consists of a certificate and a cash award of 1000 €.
It will be delivered during the ECC23 Congress.

Deadline for application: *28th February 2023*

Former recipients can be found on the webpage:

To apply, please consult the award webpage:

Please, use a service like Dropox or WeTransfer to submit your files.

Please forward this message also to whom it may concern in your
Department or to your colleagues.

Best regards,
Denis Efimov,
Luca Greco