A l'occasion de la tenue du congrès mondial de l'IFAC en juillet 2023, la fédération a rendue public les noms des collègues impliqués dans la structure de l'IFAC pour le nouveau triennium 2023-2026. On y trouve parmi les affiliés de MACS
- Carlos CANUDAS DE WIT - Chair of the Congress Young Author Prize
- Fouad GIRI - Conference Board Member, Coordinating Commitee CC1 Vice-Chair
- Thierry Marie GUERRA - Technical Board Member, Coordinating Commitee CC3 Chair
- Kevin GUELTON - Technical Committee TC3.2 Chair
- Françoise LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE - Ex-offio member of the publication board, Editor in Chief of Annual reviews in Control
- Yann LE GORREC - Technical Committee TC2.6 Chair
- Guillaume MERCÈRE - Technical Committee TC1.1 Chair
- Silviu NICULESCU - Chair of the Manfred Thoma Medal Committee
- Hervé PANETTO - Technical Board Member (liaison to publications)
- Dimitri PEAUCELLE - Vice-President Operations, Secretary, Ex-offio member of the publication board, Editor of the Newsletter
- Christophe PRIEUR - Chair of the Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid System Paper Prize Committee
- Isabelle QUEINNEC - Conference Board Member, Coordinating Commitee CC8 Vice-Chair, Chair of the Process Control Paper Prize Committee
- Micky RAKOTONDRABE - Education Activities Committee Member
- Patrick SIARRY - Ex-offio member of the publication board, Editor in Chief of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Janan ZAYTOON - Advisor
Merci à eux pour leur engagement bénévole au service de la fédération.