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Détails (fichier)
N.B. : Extension until February 14th.
This thesis pertains to the field of control engineering applied to the issue of energy transition.
It is proposed within the framework of the SEED doctoral program of Europe, will be conducted as part of a research carried out jointly in two research laboratories in Nantes, FRANCE: LS2N(1) on the one hand (CODEx team) and GEPEA(2) on the other hand (OSE team).
The application and remuneration details are provided on the website :
=> https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/sites/default/files/recherche/doctorat/seed/research-topics/18-air-conditioning.html
- https://www.ls2n.fr/presentation/?lang=en
- https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/en/research-innovation/scientific-community/national-organisations/gepea